Saguache County Government Will Be Closed Monday, February 17th In Obeservance of President's Day. Saguache County Will Reopen Tuesday, February 18th at 08:00 AM






Saguache County WEATHER

Saguache County News

2025 Spring Sales Tax Grants Available Now!

You know that idea you’ve been kicking around? Does it fall into one of the three categories below? If so….. it’s time to make your idea a reality!  The Saguache County Commissioners invite you to apply for a Sales Tax Grant through our official website at To make it even easier……Individuals and Agencies now must complete the grant application ONLINE ONLY

Funding Ideas Must Fall Under One Of These Three Categories!  (Awarded Grants Range From $500 - $7,500+)

  • Youth and Senior Services and Programs
  • Alternative Energy Projects and/or Business/Job Creation Opportunities
  • Emergency Services, Public Health and Safety

The Saguache County Sales Tax Grant was established through a ballot initiative that created a fund to distribute to individuals, groups and organizations to better the Saguache County Community as a whole. This funding is derived from a 1% sales tax on most goods sold in Saguache County.

Don’t hesitate!  The grant application deadline is 3:00pm on Friday - February 14, 2025! All applications must be submitted by one of the following ways; ONLINE ONLY.

Go Now! Visit our Sales Tax Grant Page and apply for that grant!  Let’s continue working together to make Saguache County a great place to live, work and play!

Public Notice Rio Grande Water Conservation District Appointment

The Saguache County Board of Commissioners is again accepting letters of interest for appointment to the Rio Grande Water Conservation District Board from an individual who would like to serve as the Saguache County representative to the Rio Grande Water Conservation District Board who resides SOUTH of Saguache County Road L.  This is a three-year term ending in April 2026.
Letters of Interest may be addressed to the Board of County Commissioners and submitted to the Saguache County Administration office – 505 3rd Street, Saguache, CO 81149 or mailed to PO Box 100, Saguache CO 81149, letters may also be emailed to  
The deadline for letters of interest is Thursday, February 29, 2024, at 3PM, for an interview with the Commissioners on Tuesday, March 12, 2024. The Board of County Commissioners will make an appointment to this board during their regular meeting on Tuesday, March 19, 2024.

Winter Storm Preparedness for Livestock

Winter storms can be stressful to livestock, especially those kept outdoors. Wind chills and prolonged cold increases their need for shelter, food and water. Dehydration can be a great hazard during winter storms. Prepare now to protect your livestock during
winter storms.

  Read more on "Winter Storms and Your Livestock"

  Read more on "Wind Breaks for Livestock Operations" 

Sustainable Development Code Challenge

As announced in November 2024, the Saguache County Land Use office was awarded the Sustainable Code Challenge grant from the Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute, courtesy of the Gates Family Foundation. We were one of two jurisdictions to receive this opportunity, and we are now at the end of our journey with this award. We would like to express our deepest appreciation to Chris Duerksen and Jonathan Rosenbloom for their hard work and dedication to conducting their report in a timely manner. Their knowledge and experience were invaluable assets, and we hope that they will be satisfied with our end result once we complete the draft of the 1041 Regulations for Large Solar Development.

With the grant now complete and the majority of work has concluded for Mr. Duerksen and Mr. Rosenbloom, we are utilizing their findings to develop our 1041 Regulations for Large Solar Development. We will work diligently to ensure these regulations are tailored to fit Saguache County. Upon completion of the draft, the Commissioners will conduct a public hearing so please monitor the Saguache County website for updates to stay informed. Should you have inquiries, please contact Amber Wilson, Saguache County Land Use Administrator, at or 719-655-2321.

To view the final report from Mr. Duerksen and Mr. Rosenbloom, please click here.

To view the powerpoint presentation from Mr. Duerksen and Mr. Rosenbloom, please click here.


The image contains a flyer titled “Volunteers Needed for San Luis Valley Well Water Samples.” It is from the Colorado Geological Survey (CGS), a department of the Colorado School of Mines, which has been funded through a grant from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) to conduct a 5-year study of baseline radioactivity and metals in groundwater wells. The flyer details that CGS needs volunteers to collect water samples from private wells not used for municipal or commercial purpose
The image is a colorful map titled “Residential water well sampling grid showing available number of samples per grid space.” It features a grid overlay on a geographical map, with each cell of the grid containing numbers ranging from 0 to 4, indicating the number of water samples available per grid space. The map includes various geographical features such as rivers and streams, marked in blue, and city names. There are also different colored areas indicating one sample per grid (yellow).

Saguache County Employee Appreciation Awards

Photo 1: Devin Estrada (5 Years of Service), Photo 2: Randal Arredondo (35 Years of Service), Photo 3: Orlando Samora (45 Years of Service) , Photo 4: Ben Gallegos (35 Years of Service)
The image is a collage of four photographs taken in a room with flags and a wooden desk. Each photo captures a moment of agreement or transaction between pairs of employees shaking hands and exchanging awards.

Safe Routes to School Project

Photo 1: Safe Routes to School Project Banner
The sign is white with black and green text, and it’s mounted on two metal posts. The backdrop features a natural setting with trees and overcast skies. The sign lists the project collaborators, which include Crestone Charter School, Baca Grande Property Owners Association, Town of Crestone, Eastern San Luis Valley Trails Coalition (ESLVTC), Saguache County Government, and San Luis Valley Great Outdoors (SLV GO!). Each collaborator’s name is accompanied by a logo.
Photo 2: Safe Routes to School Project Ribbon Cutting
A group of individuals stands outdoors holding a banner that reads “SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROJECT – Phase 1” with additional text below that is partially obscured. The group appears to be participating in a ceremonial ribbon-cutting event, The setting includes trees and mountains in the background, suggesting a rural or natural location.

Saguache County Dates & Events

2025 Saguache County Holidays 
Wednesday, January 1 - New Year Day Holiday
Monday January, 20 - Martin Luther King's Birthday
Monday, February 17 - Presidents Day 
Monday, May 26 - Memorial Day 
Thursday, June 19 - Juneteenth National Independence Day 
Friday, July 4 - 4th of July 
Monday, September 1 - Labor Day 
Monday, October 13 - Indigenous People Day  
Tuesday, November 11 - Veterans Day (Observed) 
Thursday, November 27 - Thanksgiving Day 
Friday, November 28 - Day After Thanksgiving 
Wednesday, December 24 - Early Release (Close at Noon) 
Thursday December 25 - Christmas Holiday 
Friday, December 26 - Day After Christmas 





Week 07 - February 2025
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Last Updated: 2/05/2025