Treasurer/Public Trustee

Mission Statement: The mission of the Saguache County Treasurer and Public Trustee Office is to provide revenue and foreclosure services to the public, taxing authorities and parties to foreclosures so they can pay and collect taxes and other revenue in an accurate and timely manner; and experience a fair and timely foreclosure process.

Treasurer Duties, Regina Swartz Saguache County Treasurer and her staff are responsible for collecting, recording, and depositing taxes and other revenues, and ensures compliance with all applicable tax law.  Their primary activities include billing, payment processing, reconciliation, tax compliance, tax collection, tax auditing, and tax payer education.

Public Trustee Duties, the Public Trustee, also Regina Swartz, handles foreclosures of deeds of trust, and releases of deeds of trust, as well as the sale of all Foreclosed properties in Saguache County.


Regina Swartz - Treasurer/Public Trustee

Email: rswartz@saguachecounty-co.gov


For inquires and general information:



501 4th Street

PO Box 177                                                                        

Saguache, CO 81149

Phone: 719-655-2656

Fax: 719-655-2617

Property Tax Information

Property taxes are collected one year in arrears. Taxes for 2024 are collected and payable in year 2025.

Tax Statements are mailed by the end of January to the owner of record and at the address shown on the tax roll by December of the previous year. The tax roll is maintained by the County Assessor. If you have had a change of address that was received by the treasurer after December you may not receive the upcoming year’s tax notice. Please promptly notify the Treasurer of any address changes. If you have not received your tax statement by the 1st week of February, please contact the Treasurer’s office at 719-655-2656, and a duplicate statement can be emailed/mailed.

***Failure to receive a tax statement does not exempt tax payer from payment of taxes due***

Taxes are due January 1st for the previous year, taxes can be paid in two ½ installments or one full installment, please see due dates below.


Tax Due Dates:
First Half – February 28th
 2nd Half – June 15th
  In Full – April 30th


If the total property tax amount is under $25.00, the half payment option is not allowed, and full payment amount must be postmarked and sent by full payment date above.

If payments are postmarked after due dates referenced above, your payment may be rejected, and delinquent interest will be added to the tax amount.

Mobile homes with an assessed value of $28,000.00 or less are tax exempt (HB22-1223) and no tax notice will be mailed. 

Please make all property tax payments payable to “Saguache County Treasurer” and send to P.O. Box 177, Saguache, CO 81149, or use the drop box located in the south parking lot of the courthouse building. 

To ensure accurate posting, please include appropriate payment coupon for each property you are paying taxes for.

Late tax payments as of September 1st and all lien payments must be sent in the form of certified funds.

Certified funds include – cash, cashier’s check, and/or money order.

Please note – The treasurer’s office does NOT determine the amount of tax to be collected. For more information on the value of your property or the amount of tax collected, please contact the Saguache County Assessor’s Office.

Senior Tax Exemptions and other Exemptions given by the county/state are handled and applied through the Saguache County Assessor’s Office.

Annual Tax Lien Sale

Please see documents above for the advertising list of real property, and mineral interest

Tax Lien Viewer Link: TBD

Annual Tax Lien Auction will be held online, TBD. 

Saguache County Tax Lien Sale accepts registration for bidders at www.zeusauction.com, TBD. The sale for Real Properties and Minerals will be held online.  


  1. Employees and officials of Saguache County, members of their immediate family or their agents, are not allowed to bid at Saguache County Tax Sales.
  2. Real properties and Mineral Interest will be online only.
  3. Each item number and minimum bid (minimum bid includes taxes, interest, advertising cost and Certificate cost) will be posted on the auction site and subject to general bidding.
  4. Minimum excess bid is $1.00. Bids made over the announced minimum bid are considered premium bids and are not refunded at the time of redemption.


When redeemed, a certificate will pay at the rate of 15% per annum.  Upon redemption all monies will be refunded except premium bids and the $4.00 assignment fee.


If the owner does not pay future taxes by July 31st, you will be notified of the amount due.  Payment will be endorsed on the tax lien certificate.  Payment will accrue interest at the same rate as the certificate.


  1. Treasurer’s deed may be applied for three years after the original date of sale.
  2. Prior to deed, lien holders have no right to occupy property.
  3. Deed deposit is $1100.00 on real properties and mineral interest. Any unused balance will be refunded.  Included in the fee is the Treasurer’s fee as well as the Owners & Encumbrances Report to follow chain of title and notice of parties.
  4. Upon receiving a Treasurer’s Deed it is strongly recommended that the deed holder obtain a clear title by obtaining a Quiet Title (going to court to secure a clear title) and have the property surveyed.

 **A Treasurer’s Deed is not a warranty deed and may be contested.  The original property owner has up to  nine years from the date of Treasurer’s Deed to redeem the property through the courts if the title has not been quieted.


*There may be properties advertised that may have illegal subdivisions.  If this is so, Saguache County will not issue any type of permit and the State will not issue a well permit.

*Please note that partial payments have been made on several items so the beginning bid amount has changed.


Treasurer's Deed Auction:

New laws went into effect July 1, 2024, C.R.S. 39-11.5. The new process and fees are statute and not the decision of the County Treasurer. 

See documents above for posting of real properties and mineral interests with upcoming auction dates, continuances, overbid funds, and Colorado Revised Statutes. 

All Treasurer's Deed auctions will be held bi-weekly on Wednesday's at 10am, with the exception of holidays online at; https://liveauctions.govease.com/co/cosaguachetread/1418/browsestandard

           **You will need to create an account and register for the auction. Creating an account with GovEase.com will not automatically register you for an auction at, https://liveauctions.govease.com/PublicPortal/RegistrationDetail?Auctio…

A workstation is available for in the Treasurer's office at 501 4th Street, Saguache CO 81149.

C.R.S. 39-11.5-107(2) The County and its employees acting in their official capacity in preparing, conducting, and executing a public auction pursuant to this article 11.5 are not liable for the failure of a device that prevents a person from participating in a public auction. As used in subsection (2), “device” includes, but is not limited to, computer hardware, a computer network, a computer software application, and an internet website. 


1- A lawful certificate holder may apply for a Treasurer's Deed auction after 3 years from the tax lien sale date and all subsequent tax years are paid.

2-An Application for Public Auction of a Certificate of Option for Treasurer's Deed with a $1100.00 deed deposit must be submitted to the Treasurer's Office (see documents above for application).

**A Treasurer's Deed is a clouded title. It is recommended that you quiet the title through a real estate attorney or title company. 

***Any delinquent tax years prior to the lawful holder's tax lien certificate that were not taken to the tax lien sale auction or the current tax year, if applicable, will be the responsibility of the parties to whom the Treasurer's Deed is issued. 


1- Employees and officials of Saguache County, members of their immediate family or their agents, are not allowed to bid at Saguache County  Treasurer's Deed Auctions.

2- Only bids that are greater than the combined value of the amount owed to the lawful holder and the fees and costs incurred by the Treasurer to comply with C.R.S. 39-11.5 will be accepted.

3-Bids will be paid via wire transfer through the auction company. 

4-Minimum excess bid is $1.00.

5-Any delinquent tax years prior to the lawful holder's tax lien certificate that were not taken to the tax lien sale auction or the current tax year, if applicable, will be the responsibility of the parties to whom the Treasurer's Deed is issued. 

6-It is the bidders responsibility to do their due diligence and research any properties or mineral interests prior to bidding in the auction. 

7-A Certificate of Option does not entitle the Purchaser the right to secure, maintain or enter upon the property. The Purchaser is entitled to the Treasurer's Deed at the end of the redemption period. 



NOTICE TO A PR0PERTY OWNER OF A PROPERTY FOR WHICH THE OPTION FOR TREASURER'S DEED HAS BEEN SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION: If the option for a treasurer's deed for your property is sold at a public auction for more than the total owed to the lawful holder of a tax lien on your property and to all other lien holders, please contact the treasurer's office after the auction because you may have funds due to you. 

(see documents above for postings of available overbid funds)

Foreclosure/Public Trustee Information

Responsibilities of the Public Trustee

The Public Trustee hands foreclosures of deeds of trust, releases of deeds of trust, and tax escrow accounts for land purchase contracts for properties located in Saguache County.

The Public Trustee Does Not

 Give legal advice – please contact an attorney.

 Handle Tax Sales – please contact the County Treasurer

 Handle Judicial Foreclosures – please contact the Sheriff – 719-655-2544

 Release private trustee mortgage transactions

 Handle federal auctions, such as HUD or VA

 Have information regarding liens on foreclosed property – Please contact the Clerk and Recorder

 Have access to the foreclosed property

 Process evictions – please contact the Sheriff – 719-655-2544

Prohibition of Dual Tracking

If you, as the borrower, believe that a lender or servicer has failed to provide you with a single point of contact, as required by Colorado law (C.R.S. 38-38-103.1) or that the lender is pursuing foreclosure despite the fact that you submitted a completed loss mitigation, or you have been offered and accepted a loss mitigation option, pursuant to C.R.S. 38-38-103.2, you may file a complaint with the Colorado Attorney General, the Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), or both. The filing of a complaint will not stop the foreclosure process.


Colorado Attorney General                                                                    Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Ralph L. Carr Colorado Judicial Center                                                   P.O. Box 27170

1300 Broadway 10th Floor                                                                     Washington, DC 20038

Denver, CO 80203                                                                                 1-855-411-2372

1-800-222-4444                                                                                    www.consumerfinance.gov



Foreclosure Sale Bidding Policy, effective June 1, 2015

The Saguache County Public Trustee holds foreclosure sales on Thursdays at 10:00 AM in the Board of County Commissioners Room at 501 4th Street, Saguache, CO 81149. Saguache County receives written beginning bids from the foreclosing lender by

12:00 noon two business days prior to the sale.


In order to bid at the foreclosure sale, bidders must submit a registration form prior to the start and forms are available in the Public Trustee’s office on the day of the sale. No emailed or faxed bidder registration forms will be accepted.


No cell phone use is allowed during the sale. If a bidder is using a cell phone or is otherwise disruptive during the sale they will be asked to leave. If the Public Trustee suspects any kind of fraud, collusion or abuse of the bidding process, she reserves the right to stop the sale and contact the property’s foreclosing attorney to postpone the sale to the following week. The Public Trustee also reserves the right to ban abusers of the bidding process from current and future sales.

The sale begins promptly at 10:00 AM., and once it begins the foreclosing lender’s beginning bid amount will be read aloud and we will ask for other bids. Bidding will begin at $50.00 over the lender’s beginning bid (rounded to the nearest $50.00 increment). Further bidding must be in increments of $1000.00 and each bid placed must not advance the prior bid by more than $5000.00. In order for a bid to be accepted, bidders are required to state the amount they wish to bid. Failure to do so will result in bids not being accepted. Once a bid has been entered, it is considered final.


If you are the successful bidder, payment is due within one hour of the completion of the foreclosure sale. Payment must be in the form of certified funds (cash, cashier’s check, or wire transfer – instructions will be provided upon request). Large cash payments are discouraged. Successful bidders who pay $10,000.00 or more in cash must complete all necessary Internal Revenue Service documents at the time of sale (forms will be provided by the Public Trustee if necessary). If you are the successful bidder and you fail to remit payment, you will be barred from participation in all future Public Trustee foreclosure.

Successful Bidders

The original Certificate of Purchase is issued and recorded with the Saguache County Clerk and Recorder. Because only one Certificate of Purchase is issued, the original will be kept in our office and a copy will be emailed to the successful bidder. The Certificate of Purchase will be issued only in the name indicated on the Bidder Registration Sheet; however, Certificates of Purchase can be assigned to another party.

Post Sale

Junior lien holders have the right to redeem the foreclosure sale (see our policy on Notices of Intent to Redeem). If there is no redemption, a Confirmation Deed will be issued to the holder of the Certificate of Purchase 10-15 days following the foreclosure sale (a recorded copy will be emailed to the Certificate of Purchase holder).

Overbid Funds

If your property goes to foreclosure auction sale and is sold for more than the total owed to the lender and to all other lien holders, you may be entitled to any remaining funds. C.R.S. 38-38-111 (2.5)(a) Please call our office at 719-655-2656 to find out if you are entitled to any remaining funds. If you contact us directly, there is no cost to you to claim any excess funds owed to you.

Transfer of Ownership

Ownership of the property does not transfer until at least 8 business days after the actual foreclosure sale, which may occur at a date later than the initial sale date indicated on the mailed notice you received from this office.

Click here to view the Colorado Sales Tax Lookup.

Research Fee - $30.00 per hour after the first hour.

Treasurer/Public Trustee Status Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How much is my property tax?

Call the Treasurer Office at (719) 655-2656 or go online to learn more.

When is my property tax due?

First half February 28th, second half June 15th, or full payment April 30th.

What is the penalty?

1% per month.

Why is my property tax so high?

Property tax is based on Assessed value, please contact the assessor’s office at (719) 655-2521.

How do I change my address?

Fill out the address change on the back of your coupon or fill the address change form located on the website.

How do I apply for the senior/veteran’s exemption?

Please contact the Assessor’s office at (719) 655-2656 for an application.

Where can I find the County Held List?

Saguache County Treasurer Documents

Where can I find the tax sale advertised list?

Saguache County Treasurer Documents

Why didn’t I get a bill for my mobile home? 

Any mobile home with an assessed value less than 28k is tax exemption and no notice is generated

What is my special assessment? 

Assessments are certified from the authority, please contact the authority for more information.

Last Updated: 10/08/2024