Saguache County offices will close at 12:00 PM on Friday, December 13th for county Christmas parties and will reopen on Monday, December 16th at 8:00 AM. 


Road & Bridge

Mission Statement: The mission of the Saguache County Road and Bridge Department is to provide the citizens of Saguache County with the safest possible roadway infrastructure and to improve the roadways and bridges in a fiscally responsible manner. We want to allow residents and visitors to pursue recreational interests and enjoy living in a more sustainable environment. We take pride in the maintenance of the roadway system and the equipment used to complete the same.

Saguache County Road and Bridge Contact Information

Elvie Samora

Road & Bridge Supervisor

P.O. Box 476

305 3rd Street

Saguache, CO  81149

Office:  719-655-2554



Dan Pfohl

Road & Bridge Shop Foreman

P.O. Box 476

202 3rd Street

Saguache, CO  81149



Anthony Pacheco

Noxious Weed Manager 

305 3rd Street

Saguache, CO  81149

Office: 719-655-2554

Fax: 719-655-2543


Brandon Lovato

Road & Bridge Assistant Supervisor

P.O. Box 476

305 3rd Street

Saguache, CO  81149

Office:  719-655-2554



Michelle Hashbarger

Road & Bridge Office Manager

P.O. Box 476

305 3rd Street

Saguache, CO  81149

Office:  716-655-2554

Fax:  719-655-2543


Orlando Samora

Road & Bridge Road Foreman

P.O. Box 476

305 3rd Street

Saguache, CO  81149



Erica Ortega 

Road & Bridge Assistant Office Manager 

P.O. Box 476

305 3rd Street

Saguache, CO  81149

Office:  716-655-2554

Fax:  719-655-2543



Road & Bridge Physical and Mailing Address:

Saguache County Road & Bridge

P.O. Box 476

305 3rd Street

Saguache, CO  81149

Office:  719-655-2554

2024 County Holidays - All County Offices, including the Road & Bridge and Landfill, will be closed the following days.

Monday, Janaury 1 New Year Day Holiday
Monday, January 15 Martin Luther King’s Birthday
Monday, February 19 Presidents Day
Monday, May 27 Memorial Day
Wednesday, June 19 Juneteenth National Independence Day
Thursday, July 4 4th of July 
Monday, September 2 Labor Day
Monday, October 14 Indigenous People Day
Monday, November 11 Veterans Day - observed
Thursday, November 28 Thanksgiving Day
Friday, November 29 Day after Thanksgiving
Tuesday, December 24 Christmas Eve Holiday 
Wednesday, December 25 Christmas Holiday

Last Updated: 12/06/2024