Saguache County Housing Authority

Mission Statement: Our mission is to offer safe, high-quality, and affordable housing for our residents. SCHA’s funding is derived from tenant rents, state subsidies, federal grants, and other sources. Additionally, we are committed to expanding housing opportunities within Saguache County. Please find the rental application and links to other affordable housing resources below.


Cathy Maestas - Housing Director




Office Address:


630.5 Pitkin Ave

Saguache, CO 81149 

Email: cmaestas@saguachecounty-co.gov

Phone: 719-655-2804

Mailing Address: 


P.O. Box 201

Saguache, CO 81149


Affordable Housing Opportunities at the Saguache County Housing Authority

The Saguache County Housing Authority provides safe and affordable housing opportunities. 

SCHA manages two apartment complexes in Saguache, Colorado:

Blue Water Haciendas 
Section 8 subsidized. 
A total of twelve apartments, four one-bedroom apartments and eight two-bedroom apartments. 

Puerto Del Norte
HOME and Market Rents. 
Does accept Section 8/Housing Choice Vouchers. 
A total of sixteen apartments, three one-bedroom apartments, seven two-bedroom apartments, and six three-bedroom apartments. 

A waiting list typically exists for both properties.  All applicants are encouraged to submit a rental application and after processing and approval, they will be added to the waiting list. 

Please see our Fact Sheet for more details regarding our properties.
SCHA Property 2024 Fact Sheet



Additional Housing Providers Servicing the San Luis Valley

Housing Providers Located in the San Luis Valley

  The Valley Wide Housing Needs Assessment identified housing providers in the San Luis Valley.  

  The list of housing providers can be found here:

Housing Providers in the SLV

Rental Assistance for Tenants and Landlords

If you or your tenants have been unable to pay rent due to financial hardship caused by COVID-19, you may be eligible for rental assistance from the state.

The Colorado Legislature and Governor Polis have passed Senate Bill 20B-002 authorizing an additional $54 million in housing assistance for people economically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Begin the application process here:

A customer service hotline is now available for POP and EHAP applicants and agents are now taking calls. The hotline number is 1-888-480-0066. E-mails regarding POP and EHAP should continue to go through  and . The new hotline and the program email addresses are now supported by HORNE.

Down Payment and Property Rehabilitation Assistance

The mission of the San Luis Valley Housing Coalition is to provide safe and affordable housing to low-moderate income community members. The SLVHC addresses the increasing housing needs of the San Luis Valley through various programs:
Down Payment Assistance 
Home Rehabilitation Assistance 
Well Drilling Assistance 
Rental properties located in Monte Vista and Alamosa.

Please visit the SLV Housing Coalition's website for more details and contact information:
San Luis Valley Housing Coalition

Affordable Housing Development

The Saguache County Housing Authority (SCHA) has been working in earnest to develop additional affordable housing in Saguache County since the Valley Wide Housing Needs Assessment process that started in 2019.

We are proud to announce the development of a new community in Saguache, Range View Apartments, that will be completed sometime in 2026.

Ground-breaking will occur in the spring of 2025. Range View will offer 32 new units for the workforce and community members in this area. The unit mix will be fourteen (14) one-bedroom units, twelve (12) two-bedroom units, and six(6) three-bedroom units. We will be accepting applications in January of 2026.

Saguache County also owns several lots in Casita Park. Our goal is to provide several affordable home ownership opportunities in Casita Park and elsewhere. 

The work associated with the development of affordable housing is an ever changing field. Funding opportunities open and close, new professional relationships are made, and these are all factors that contribute and means that a development moves forward.

SCHA's goal is to be transparent and open to the public regarding the progress of these projects, and in return, we ask the public to be understanding of the complexity of the work ahead and inherent nature of change as a development moves forward.

Affordable Housing Development News and Public Outreach

News will be posted here on a monthly basis or as news worthy announcements develop.  These links may be responses to newspaper reports, public inquires, event fliers, etc.  

SCHA News Folder 


Special Limited Partnerships

Special Limited Partnerships (SLP) with a Housing Authority typically allow a Housing Developer to be exempt from sales, use, and property taxes.  The reduction of these costs allow the property overhead to be lower, allowing the property to assume less debt, and makes the rents more affordable.  

The Saguache County Housing Authority is always interested in the consideration of SLP partnerships with developers for the purpose of promoting affordable housing. 

Please contact the Housing Director by using the contact information at the bottom of this page if your organization is interested in forming an SLP with SCHA for the purpose of building affordable housing.  

Valley Wide Housing Needs Assessment

  Organizations, businesses, and community leaders have worked together to lay down the foundation for the future develop affordable housing in the San Luis Valley.  The Valley-Wide Housing Needs Assessment derived information for the San Luis Valley as a whole, the individual counties, and many of the individual communities within the counties. 

  Saguache, Center, Crestone, and Moffat are included in the community level of the study. 

  Please see the link below to the SLV Housing Coalition's webpage with additional information, links to the individual studies, links to the recorded Housing Listening Tours, and more:

Housing Needs Assessment

Housing Authority Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long is the waiting list to get an apartment?

The waiting list is updated weekly and we cannot estimate how long it may take, but we will call you as soon as housing becomes available.

Do you accept Section 8 vouchers?

Yes, we have a community that accepts Section 8 vouchers.

Where do I pick up an application?

You may pick up an application at 630.5 Pitkin Ave, Saguache, CO 81149.

Do I have to be a legal citizen to rent an apartment?

We do have a document that requires you to disclose whether or not you are a citizen of the United States.  The head of household must be a citizen of the US.

Can I have a pet in my apartment?

Yes, one pet is allowed, with breed and size limitations, as well as a pet deposit.

Does Saguache County Housing Authority accept families with children?

Yes, we have 2 and 3 bedroom apartments and we accept children.

Are your apartments handicap accessible?

We have one level apartments and handrails in the bathrooms if requested.

How much is the rent?

Your rent is income based and will be determined when you complete your application.

How do I set up an appointment with Saguache County Housing Authority?

Please call the office and make an appointment for an interview and an application will be provided.  The phone number is 719-655-2804. 

The Saguache County Housing Authority is an equal opportunity provider and employer.  TTY Relay: 7-1-1

Last Updated: 03/06/2025