Volunteer and Receive Training
There are many ways to Get Involved especially before an emergency or a disaster occurs. Volunteer and get trained with a recognized organization involved in disaster response and recovery before the next disaster event. There are many organizations and faith-based groups in our community that need volunteers. Here are some ideas:

Amateur Radio
KØSLV San Luis Valley Amateur Radio Association (SARA) provides instruction and encouragement to new people interested in Amateur Radio and can provide emergency communications for the San Luis Valley when needed.
SARA meets the first Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM at Calvary Baptist Church, 2160 Sherman Avenue, Monte Vista. To earn or upgrade your license, testing is held quarterly on the first Saturday of Jan, Apr, Jul, and Oct at 12:00 PM.
SARA has two repeaters on the air, both located in Monte Vista. Both repeaters are open access. If you are in the area, dial up a repeater and give them a shout.
146.940- with a 94.8 tone.
449.625- with a 94.8 tone.
For more information visit k0slv.com Email: slvhamradio@gmail.com Mailing Address: PO Box 452, Monte Vista, CO 81144.

American Red Cross
The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.
When disaster strikes, the Red Cross is ready to provide a place to sleep, warm meals, clothing, emotional support, and hope to those affected.
Volunteer, Take a Class, or Donate today.
Baca Grande Emergency Services
Baca Grande Emergency Services manages the ambulance and fire services for the Baca Grande Property Owners Association. They offer competitive pay, flexible hours, and hire full-time and part-time: Drivers, Mitigation Crew Members, Firefighters, Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT), and Paramedics.
Fill out an application or call 719-256-4171 for more information.

Center's Neighborhood Watch
Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program. Center Police Department teaches residents how to identify and report suspicious activity in their neighborhood. This provides you with the opportunity to make your neighborhood safer. Neighborhood Watch focuses on observation and awareness as a means of preventing crime, promotes social interaction, and "watching out for each other".
Sign up for the Town of Center’s Neighborhood Watch program at Center Town Hall.
Contact Center Police Dispatch at 719-754-2261 if you see any suspicious activity.
HEART of Saguache/KV
HEART of Saguache/KV is a project of Colorado Nonprofit Development Center and is a grassroots non-profit organization committed to ending poverty and disengagement among affected populations using education, increasing diversity, and creating equity throughout our community to secure a prosperous future. HEART of Saguache/KV is empowering our community to create a better future by partnering with schools to build career awareness and inspiring residents to become civically engaged and empowered.

Moffat Volunteer Fire Department
Donate to Moffat Volunteer Fire Department: PO BOX 395, Moffat, CO 81143
To Join Moffat Volunteer Fire Department call Chief Swartz: 719-580-3011
Email: sswartzs2012@gmail.com

Search and Rescue
Saguache County Search & Rescue (SAGSAR) is part of the Saguache County Sheriff’s Department. SAGSAR performs wilderness search and rescue operations mainly in the Northern Sangre De Cristo Mountain Range. SAGSAR is a volunteer team that does not charge for search and rescue missions. You can help save lives and defray the costs of operations by making a tax-deductible donation through their donation page and help meet the needs for technical gear, training, and administrative costs.
Join Search and Rescue:
If you are interested in joining SAGSAR please fill out the application online by clicking here: SAGSAR Application – and mail to: Saguache County Sheriff’s office: PO Box 265, Saguache, CO 81149 or call 719-655-2525.

SKYWARN® Storm Spotter
SKYWARN® is a volunteer program with between 350,000 and 400,000 trained severe weather spotters. These volunteers help keep their local communities safe by providing timely and accurate reports of severe weather to the National Weather Service (NWS). NWS encourages anyone with an interest in public service to join the SKYWARN® program. Volunteers include police and fire personnel, dispatchers, EMS workers, public utility workers, and other concerned private citizens. Individuals affiliated with hospitals, schools, churches, and nursing homes or who have a responsibility for protecting others are encouraged to become a spotter.
Find a class in your area. Training is free and typically lasts about 2 hours.
For more information contact your local Warning Coordination Meteorologist.
Skywarn® and the Skywarn® logo are registered trademarks of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, used with permission.
Helping Others
The compassion and generosity of the American people is never more evident than after a disaster. People want to help. Here are some general guidelines on helping others after a disaster:
Donate Cash
Financial contributions to a recognized disaster relief organization are the most effective donations to make.
- Most needed and the most efficient way of helping those impacted by disaster.
- Allow voluntary organizations to fund response and recovery efforts, obtain goods and services locally, and provide direct financial assistance to disaster survivors to meet their own needs.
- Make a financial contribution to the voluntary organization of your choice.
- If you need help determining who to give to, National Voluntary Organization Active in Disaster website has a list of major non-profits.
When the public supports these voluntary organizations with financial contributions, it helps ensure a steady flow of important services to the people in need after a disaster.
Volunteer with a recognized organization involved in disaster response and recovery before the next disaster event.
- Volunteer with a non-profit organization and be trained before the next event to find meaningful volunteer opportunities following a disaster.
- There are many organizations and faith-based groups in your community that have active disaster programs and need volunteers.
- These groups offer a wide range of services following a disaster:
Donate Goods

Confirm what is needed BEFORE taking action!
- Donate in-kind goods that are specifically requested or needed by recognized organizations.
- Confirm the needs by contacting the voluntary organization of your choice before starting to collect.
- Unsolicited donated goods such as used clothing, miscellaneous household items, and mixed or perishable foodstuffs require helping agencies to redirect valuable resources away from providing services to sort, package, transport, warehouse, and distribute items that may not meet the needs of disaster survivors.
Additional Resources
- Join a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program and get trained on basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations.
- You Are the Help Until Help Arrives, designed by FEMA, are trainings that can be taken online or in-person, where you learn through simple steps how to save a life before a professional arrives.
- During a disaster donate to a reputable organization of your choice through the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (NVOAD), and volunteer to respond to disasters and help your fellow Americans.
- Volunteer and receive training to support disaster and preparedness efforts in your community.
- Teach preparedness curriculum in your school. Download everything you need for grades K-12 through our Ready Kids program.
- Promote preparedness online by sharing preparedness tips on your social media account with Ready’s online social media toolkit or public service announcements.
- Take a free online independent study course through FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute
Last Updated: 08/20/2021