BOCC Meeting (Regular Meeting)

Add to Calendar 2024-12-24 09:15:01 2024-12-24 09:15:01 BOCC Meeting (Regular Meeting) Saguache County CommissionersDRAFT MEETING AGENDATUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2024SAGUACHE COUNTY COURTHOUSEJoin Zoom Meeting  Meeting ID: 823 7485 1681Passcode: 793384One tap mobile(10-29) 9:30AM                Call to OrderPledge of Allegiance                  9:35AM                 Executive Session for a personnel matter under CRS Section 24-6-402(4)(f)(I)&(II) and not involving: any specific employees who have requested discussion of the matter of the matter in open session; any member of this body or any elected official; the appointment of any person to fill an office of this body or of an elected official; or personnel policies that do not require the discussion of matter personal to particular employees for a discussion with Peter Peterson, County Assessor concerning the Eagleview program. Adjourn  501 4th St, Saguache, CO 81149 Saguache County no-reply@co.colorado.gov America/Denver public

Saguache County Commissioners




Join Zoom Meeting  

Meeting ID: 823 7485 1681

Passcode: 793384

One tap mobile

(10-29) 9:30AM                Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

                  9:35AM                 Executive Session for a personnel matter under CRS Section 24-6-402(4)(f)(I)&(II) and not involving: any specific employees who have requested discussion of the matter of the matter in open session; any member of this body or any elected official; the appointment of any person to fill an office of this body or of an elected official; or personnel policies that do not require the discussion of matter personal to particular employees for a discussion with Peter Peterson, County Assessor concerning the Eagleview program.

