BOCC Meeting

Add to Calendar 2025-03-11 17:54:28 2025-03-11 17:54:28 BOCC Meeting Saguache County CommissionersPreliminary AgendaTUESDAY, JULY 2, 2024SAGUACHE COUNTY COURTHOUSE – COMMISSIONERS MEETING ROOMJoin Zoom Meeting  Meeting ID: 823 7485 1681Passcode: 793384One tap mobile (7-2) 9:00 A.M. Call to Order     Pledge of Allegiance                                    Additions and Deletions to agenda                                    1. old Business                                    2.                                    3.                                    Reading and approval of minutes                                    Review of Mail and other correspondenceIntroduction of GuestsPublic Comment (7-2) 9:30AM    Wendi Maez, County Administrator                                    Administrative Report 1041 Solar Moratorium resolution approvalDiscussion concerning State of Colorado JUMP Start ProgramLegislative issues to present to CCI  (7-2) 10:30AM     Brad Crowell, County Attorney, Executive session for Legal Counsel - CRS 24-6-402(4)(b) for a conference with the County Attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions under CRS. 24-6-402(4)(b) – property boundary dispute and nuisance litigation and exempt employee status (7-2)      11:30AM               Craig Tomaski, Crestone Fire Department, fire house update (7-2)      11:45AM               Board Reports                    (7-2)      LUNCH (7-2)      1:00PM                 Board Requests (7-2)      1:30 Christina Wilson, Department of Social Services update (7-2)      2:00PM                 Randal Arredondo, Road & Bridge SupervisorMonthly plan and accomplishmentsIGA - Gunnison Weed DistrictSalary increases requested last December update 2:15PM                 Dan Warwick, Sheriff report                   2:30PM                 David Frees, OEM report                  2:45PM                 Regina Swartz, Treasurer 2nd Quarter update (7-2)      3:00PM                 Kyle Grote, Noxious Weed Board interview                          (7-2)      3:15PM                 Saguache County Board of HousingCathy Maestas, Housing Director update  Meeting Overview           Bill PayingAdjourn  501 4th St, Saguache, CO 81149 Saguache County no-reply@co.colorado.gov America/Denver public

Saguache County Commissioners

Preliminary Agenda



Join Zoom Meeting  

Meeting ID: 823 7485 1681

Passcode: 793384

One tap mobile


(7-2) 9:00 A.M. Call to Order    


Pledge of Allegiance

                                    Additions and Deletions to agenda

                                    1. old Business



                                    Reading and approval of minutes

                                    Review of Mail and other correspondence

Introduction of Guests

Public Comment


(7-2) 9:30AM    Wendi Maez, County Administrator

                                    Administrative Report 

  1. 1041 Solar Moratorium resolution approval
  2. Discussion concerning State of Colorado JUMP Start Program
  3. Legislative issues to present to CCI


(7-2) 10:30AM     Brad Crowell, County Attorney, Executive session for Legal Counsel - CRS 24-6-402(4)(b) for a conference with the County Attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions under CRS. 24-6-402(4)(b) – property boundary dispute and nuisance litigation and exempt employee status


(7-2)      11:30AM               Craig Tomaski, Crestone Fire Department, fire house update


(7-2)      11:45AM               Board Reports  


(7-2)      LUNCH


(7-2)      1:00PM                 Board Requests


(7-2)      1:30 Christina Wilson, Department of Social Services update


(7-2)      2:00PM                 Randal Arredondo, Road & Bridge Supervisor

  1. Monthly plan and accomplishments
  2. IGA - Gunnison Weed District
  3. Salary increases requested last December update


2:15PM                 Dan Warwick, Sheriff report 

                  2:30PM                 David Frees, OEM report

                  2:45PM                 Regina Swartz, Treasurer 2nd Quarter update


(7-2)      3:00PM                 Kyle Grote, Noxious Weed Board interview       


(7-2)      3:15PM                 Saguache County Board of Housing

  1. Cathy Maestas, Housing Director update 


Meeting Overview           

Bill Paying
